At Panyaden, students, teachers and parents focus on building strong bonds that contribute to a peaceful, low-stress learning environment and a dynamic community that goes beyond the boundaries of the school. We value community and see ourselves as community members within Thailand, Chiang Mai and also our local village of Baan Sala.
Panyaden families enjoy daily contact with homeroom teachers and the “Friends of Panyaden” Association (FoP) is a vital part of creating a healthy community feeling within our school. FoP representatives are the formal spokespersons to the school management and teachers, but they also organise community events such as markets and pot-luck dinners.
Our multilingual programme and focus on the Thai Language, History and Culture curriculum allow our pupils to develop an awareness of our shared Thai culture. This is further supported by events in schools such as Thai Language and Culture Day, Loy Kratong, Makha Bucha, Vishaka Bucha, parents-teachers friendly sports games, and much more. On Fridays, staff and students of Panyaden come together wearing traditional Lanna clothing.
As members of the wider Chiang Mai community, we strive to give back. Over the academic year, we organise a number of community events in the city and surrounding area to both raise awareness and foster a community spirit. Last year’s events included Dhamma Talks offered at school on a regular basis, our Toe-to-Toe campaign and a community bike ride that promoted environmental awareness and fitness.
Our Social Contribution programme provides our pupils with the opportunity to make links with our neighbours in Baan Sala and beyond. Previous outings include tidying up the village and sacred tree, a dialogue with community stakeholders regarding solutions to the smokey season, and visiting old-age pensioners. Our Management Team works closely with the village chief and committee to ensure we support each other through, for example, the setting up of road signs encouraging our school family members to drive safely through the village.