Secondary- IBDP (Year 12-13)
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme
The IB Diploma Programme is recognised worldwide as an outstanding preparation for university studies. Furthermore, its philosophy and Learner Profile aligns with and reinforces our school’s mission
International Baccalaureate, or IB, is a rigorous, two-year programme that results in personal and academic development and, upon successful completion, a globally recognized diploma. Consistent with Panyaden’s core values and strengths, the IB diploma programme aims to develop the thinking and skills of students to become tomorrow’s leaders and change-makers.
The next application for the 2022 2023 academic year will be announced by December 2021. All applicants will be advised of their outcome by the end of March 2022. Learn more about our scholarship, click here.
For more information, please contact (+66) 65-732- 5709 (English) (+66) 91-859-5946 (Thai), email admissions@panyaden.ac.th .

What is the IB Diploma Programme?
“The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.”
- IB mission statement
The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) was established in 1968 and has earned a reputation as a broad, balanced, and rigorous curriculum for pre-university education. It is recognised and respected by the world’s leading universities. IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) is a challenging two-year pre-university curriculum, primarily aimed at students aged 16-19 (Years 12-13). It has been designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being of students.
The programme provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education and is recognized by leading universities worldwide. It is a highly diverse programme designed to meet the requirements of different students.
The IBDP curriculum is suited to students who wish to maintain a broad base of subject specialty. Students study 6 academic disciplines, three at Higher level (HL) and three at Standard level (SL). These must include two languages, mathematics, a science and an individuals and societies subject. The sixth subject can be an arts subject or a second subject from IB groups 2, 3 or 4.
Subjects Offered at Panyaden:
Group 1: English Language and Literature, Thai Language and Literature
Group 2: English B, Mandarin Ab Initio, Spanish Ab Initio*
Group 3: Economics, Psychology*
Group 4: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Group 5: Math Analysis and Approaches, Math Applications and Interpretations*
Group 6: Film
In addition to six academic classes spread over a wide range of subjects, an IB Diploma requires students to complete the “IB Core” a combination of experiences that are both embedded in the curriculum and extend it. Creativity, Activity, and Service require students to extend themselves beyond the limits of the classroom and develop as a person, Theory of Knowledge asks the students to reflect on the nature of learning itself, and the Extended Essay gives them an opportunity to pursue guided research on a topic they are passionate about. Students who complete the core have gone far beyond the requirements of a normal high school curriculum.
These are:
Theory of Knowledge (TOK), in which students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know.
Extended Essay (EE), which is an independent, self-directed piece of research, typically written in one of the student’s six subject groups and no more than 4,000 words in length.
Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS), includes taking responsibility, developing social, creative and outdoor skills, as well as learning to approach others with empathy. Students engage in a variety of projects that aim to help them develop these skills, while at the same time actively engaging with their local community.
The IBDP is assessed externally by IB examiners and moderators, and in most subjects there are summative examinations in May of the second DP year which cover the material learned throughout the 2 year programme. Each subject is graded on a scale of 1 to 7. Assessment of the core courses can earn an extra 3 bonus points and so the maximum score possible is 45 points.
The IB recognition resource and document library has testimonials from universities working with DP students, and IBs research pages look in detail at the performance of DP students, including comparisons with other students.
IB Diploma Programme at Panyaden
Panyaden’s mission is to develop highly educated, resilient, thoughtful and caring individuals through a holistic approach to education. In addition to academic excellence, we believe in enriching the physical, social, emotional and intellectual well-being of our students. In 2011, we committed to providing a “Genuine Values-based Education for a Sustainable Planet” with the aim to develop a caring and compassionate community for building a greener sustainable planet.
We believe that, to create world citizens with sustainable success, education must also focus on inner values, on the workings of the mind and emotions. Panyaden’s core values and strengths are consistent with the IB mission of developing “active, compassionate and lifelong learners” - which is why we made the decision to offer the IB Diploma Programme from the 2021 academic year.
"We have forged a partnership with IB in order to provide students with a high standard holistic education that will develop their disciplinary, as well as interdisciplinary qualities. The IB programme is designed to create inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who will help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. In the long run, these qualities are essential to become successful in life and many top institutions around the world value them." Pran Indhapan, School Director of Panyaden International School
Panyaden is well equipped to provide this challenging education to best prepare our students to become tomorrow’s leaders and change-makers. Panyaden has a great learning environment consisting of students from 42 nationalises, a green campus with spacious outdoor space, and highly qualified IB teachers.
Upon successful completion of the IB Diploma Programme at Panyaden, the students would graduate with two diplomas – the International High School Diploma and the IB Diploma after the external examination results are received in July each year.
Paths to Graduation
Our school provides two pathways towards graduation: the IB Diploma and the Panyaden Academic Diploma. Students may pursue either one of these or both depending on the personal abilities and desired outcomes. All Panyaden graduates are fully prepared to move on to university or their next level of higher education. Before deciding on one of our two diploma options, it is important for parents and students to research university requirements for institutions in which they may be interested.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma is a demanding pre-university course of study that includes external examinations. The IB Diploma curriculum is a comprehensive, two-year programme that aims for students to share in an academic experience that emphasises critical thinking, intercultural understanding and exposure to a variety of perspectives. Students must receive a minimum of 24 points in order to graduate with an IB Diploma. The maximum possible number of points is 45 – a maximum of 7 points for each subject group and a maximum of 3 points for Theory of Knowledge (ToK) and the Extended Essay. Students are also required to fulfil the requirements of the CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) component of the IB Diploma. Students study towards three Higher Level (HL) and three Standard Level (SL) courses.
The Panyaden Academic Diploma is the culmination of a challenging, university-preparatory programme for students who plan to pursue higher education upon graduation. Courses include a range of offerings including English, modern languages, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics, art and a variety of electives. A minimum of 24 credits is required to graduate with a Panyaden Academic Diploma. One year of coursework in one subject area is worth one credit. A Panyaden Academic Diploma is a minimum requirement for acceptance to universities globally including the United States and Canada. This diploma will also meet the requirements for acceptance to various higher education courses in Europe and other continents.
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- The IB Diploma Programme is recognised by over 3,300 institutions of higher education in nearly 90 countries, including the highest ranking universities in the world. Research suggests, compared to other programmes, IB students have a higher enrollment outcome in top universities and perform better academically.
- IB students also tend to have significantly better skills in independent inquiry, open-mindedness, self-management and a global outlook.
- Between the years of 2002–2012, 71.6% of the DP graduates attended one of the world’s top 500 universities.
- Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) helps students to become better at “taking on new challenges”, “learning to persevere” and “developing better interpersonal skills”.
- DP alumni have higher capacities for a variety of critical thinking skills compared to their non-IB peers. DP graduates are particularly confident in their capacity for cultural sensitivity, global-mindedness, critical thinking, leadership, and time management.