Our students will be of strong character and have a solid understanding of what constitutes good moral conduct.
From their very first day at Panyaden, our students will gradually build an increasingly deeper understanding of a core set of principles, based on four important areas of their development, also known within Buddhism as Bhavana:
- Physical
- Social
- Emotional
- Intellectual
As a result, our graduating students will be of strong character, have a solid understanding of what constitutes good moral conduct and appreciate the importance of building healthy relationships throughout their lives.
Visit the Panyaden profile page for more information.
Physical development
This entails learning about the physical world in which we live and developing a wise and balanced relationship towards it, starting from one’s own body.
- Consuming things that keep the body fit and healthy also keeps the mind calm and clear
- Showing care and respect for the environment enhances the quality of our lives
- Needs and wants are different and understanding them helps us bring balance to our lives
Curriculum relevance: Nutrition, physical exercise, sport, biology, time management, computer sciences, geography, environmental studies and life skills.
Social development
This entails developing a wise and balanced relationship to the social world. It includes teaching the foundations of Buddhist morality as a scheme for living together wisely with trust, integrity and social responsibility.
- Not harming others
- Right speech (speaking truthfully, agreeably and appropriately)
- Acting with integrity
- Responsibility for one’s own learning and development
- Responsibility towards family members, towards place of work/study and society
Curriculum relevance: Language and communication skills, social studies, performing arts, history and community service.
Emotional development
This means developing skilful ways of dealing with negative emotions and cultivating and maintaining positive ones.
- Emotional balance
- Love of learning
- Patience, effort and resilience
- Concentration and mindfulness
- Kindness and compassion
Curriculum relevance: Meditation, 12 Wise Habits activities, life skills, art, community service and daily classroom experiences.
Intellectual development
This entails training the mind to think with reason and without bias, to think creatively, constructively and to be able to reflect on experience and learn from it.
- Right understanding (of right and wrong, of what has value and what does not)
- Right intention (making decisions based on good intentions: logical, beneficial, practical)
- Development of wisdom at three levels: (reading and listening; creative thinking; learning from experience)
Curriculum relevance: Maths, science, linguistics, art and design, and all forms of decision making, critical thinking and creativity.
Panyaden Profile Areas of Development Wise Habits
Physical 1. Using the senses wisely (lndriya-samvara)
2. Knowing the right amount (Mattanuta)
Social 3. Not harming (Avihimsa)
4. Being truthful (Sacca)
5. Being generous (Caga)
6. Being kind and compassionate (Metta-Karuna)
Emotional 7. Being patient and tolerant (Khanti)
8. Persevering (Viriya)
IntellectuaI 9. Being enthusiastic (Chanda)
10. Being mindful and alert (Sati)
11. Being calm and focused (Samadhi)
12. Applying the mind skilfully (Yoniso-manasikara)
Thank you for your interest in our school. We openly welcome all enquiries from interested families throughout the year, so please feel free to contact us for more information, or to arrange a visit to Panyaden please apply for a school tour.